Solomon's United Church of Christ
"the church on a mission"Christian Education
SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASSES at 9:00 a.m. (No classes beginning June 2 to September 1)
Schedule: Fall through Spring (no Summer classes): Solomon’s Church offers classes each Sunday morning 9:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. Nursery through Adult.
Confirmation Class: A two year program for students in 7th grade or older is offered Sunday mornings 9:00 a.m. – In person classes. Orientation class July 28 after our worship service.
New Confirmation Class begins September 8.
Opportunities are provided in our program to help develop Christian character by:
- Teaching the Word of God
- Confirmation instruction
- Mission projects to encourage good stewardship
- Fellowship activities
Some special programs and projects during the year are:
- “Welcome Back” (an opportunity to meet the teaching staff)
- Food drives
- Heifer Project
- Christmas Program/Party
- Easter activities
- Gifts for the home bound
- Souper Bowl Caring Appeal
- Worship Presentations
- Advent Mission Project

Blessing Children